The Apache RTR 160 4V comes at Rs 113 Lakh for its dualdisc variant while the singledisc comes at Rs 110 Lakh It is powered by the same cc, aircooled, singlecylinder mill as the RTR 160 2V, but produces 1763 PS and 14 73 Nm, slight upper hand over the 2V The transmission on offer is a 6speed unit The old launched price of TVS Apache RTR 160 4v ABS with Smart Connect feature in Nepal is Rs 3,05,900 The single disc variant costs Rs 2,72,900 whereas the doubledisc variant costs Rs 2,90,900 Likewise, the Smart Connect versionPublish date 18 October 21 Updated TVS Apache RTR160 4V Launched, Prices Start at Rs 115 Lakh
Bluetooth Enabled 21 Tvs Apache Rtr 160 4v Launched In Bangladesh